Henry The Truck Grills Denny With Questions

This Panel Truck Has Questions For His Human Buddy

Does Denny Even Know Me???

Greetings, fellow travelers and motor enthusiasts! I, Henry, have been Denny’s trusty sidekick for over 60 years now. From my humble beginnings of being rescued from death’s door with a frozen-up motor for a mere $35 in 1960, Denny has kept me going through the years with ten different motors and countless miles traveled together.

As we’ve journeyed from one place to another, we’ve had some amazing adventures and met many great people along the way. And now, I’m putting Denny’s knowledge of me to the test with a series of questions about our travels and escapades.

So buckle up, folks, and let’s see how well Denny really knows his beloved panel truck!

What do you like about me?

Denny: Well, Henry, I like everything about you. You are a classic beauty, a loyal companion, and a reliable ride.

And most importantly, you never let me down on the road.

What is my gas mileage?

Denny: I must say that you’ve been a reliable ol’ truck, averaging around 15-18 miles per gallon. But with the fuel quality these days, it’s more like we’re running on puss than petrol.

However, if we manage to find some good fuel, maybe we can get up to 18-20 miles per gallon and save a few bucks for some sweet treats on the road.

What is my color called?

Denny: Well, Henry, your color is the epitome of vintage coolness. It’s like you’re wearing a cream-colored suit with rust-colored accessories, and boy, do you pull it off.

That catalyzed primer gives you a bit of an edgy vibe, like you’re the James Dean of panel trucks. It’s no wonder you still look stunning after all these years!

Have I ever been in an accident?

Denny: Henry, you’re a force to be reckoned with on the road. You’ve never been in an accident, but let’s just say that some people have made the mistake of underestimating your strength.

When they bumped into you, you tore the sh#t out of their car like it was made of paper. But hey, it was just a minor scratch for you, my unstoppable truck!

How far from Borrego Springs have you driven me?

Denny: Henry, my faithful truck, we’ve been on some wild rides together, covering countless miles from California, Pennsylvania to Vancouver Island in British Columbia.

But no matter where we roam, from the dusty backroads of Old Borego to the scenic highways in between, you never fail to make the journey unforgettable with your quirky personality and steadfast reliability.

Here’s to more adventures and road trips to come, my trusty companion!

What is your favorite location we have been to?

Denny: We’ve been to some amazing places together, each with its own charm and uniqueness. But if I had to pick just one favorite location, it would have to be all of them!

I mean, with a road trip partner like you, who needs just one favorite spot?

How many tires have I been through?

Denny: Well, buddy, you have been through many tires in your time, that’s for sure. But I always make sure to invest in high-quality ones to keep you running smoothly on the road.

And speaking of longevity, I have to say that my relationship history probably surpasses the number of tires and oil changes you’ve been through in our decades together. But unlike those old flames, our bond is one that will never tire.

What’s your favorite road trip music?

Denny: Henry, my trusty truck, we never play the radio when we hit the road. I prefer to listen to the sweet sounds of your motor. And let me tell you, it’s the best music out there. The purr of his engine and the hum of the tires create a symphony of its own, one that we can’t get enough of.

So no matter where we go, we always have the best tunes with us – thanks to you, Henry.

How do you usually plan our travel routes?

Denny: I’ve found that the most memorable experiences come from unexpected detours and spontaneous stops. Plus, with a reliable and adventurous partner like you, Henry, I know that we’ll always be able to handle whatever comes our way on the open road.

Of course, I do have a general sense of direction and some key places that I’d like to visit along the way. But when it comes down to it, I’m more of a “let’s see where the wind takes us” kind of guy.

And with your trusty Chevy engine and sturdy frame, I know we can handle any twists and turns that come our way. After all, the best adventures are the ones that aren’t planned out too much in advance!

What quote describes me?

Denny: Henry my dear friend, if there was ever a quote that perfectly sums up your spirit, it’s “Life is MY Highway”. And it’s no surprise – we’ve been on the road together for so long, taking on every adventure that comes our way.

Henry, you are always eager to explore new roads and overcome any obstacles that come our way. Whether we’re cruising down a long stretch of highway or tackling the toughest terrain, you are always up for the challenge.

I couldn’t ask for a better traveling companion!

What Borrego Springs businesses do we frequent most?

Denny: Henry, we have visited many great businesses in Borrego Springs, but if I had to choose, I would say we frequent these more: JT Tire, Carlees, Jilbertos, and Graphic You Can Trust.

Of course, there are many others that we enjoy, but those four come to mind first. And let’s not forget, you are the one who always gets us to these places, my reliable truck. (unless you are in a sh#t mood, of course)

What are your favorite locations in Anza Borrego State Park?

Denny: Coyote Canyon, Calcite Mine, Fonts Point, and Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area.

I mean, who needs Disneyland when you have the natural wonders in the great Borego Valley?


What do you think of me?

Henry: Denny, my good friend, I have to say that I’m grateful to have you in my life. You take great care of me and ensure that I’m always in the best condition possible for our travels.

Even though we may have our disagreements every now and then, it’s all a part of our strong friendship.

Although I must admit, sometimes when we do have those disagreements, I may break down just to get back at you later. I have to say, there’s a certain satisfaction when you have to spend some extra cash on me.

Learn more about this dynamic duo in Denny’s Book “That’s My Story and I’m Stickin’ To It!”


Henry’s Life Story

I was born in 1950! Yes, I was shiny and new once upon a time. No one kept track of my…

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